Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Original Sky Trials

The Event Explained

The idea of a Sky Trials, which are now held the world over, began in Utah with Gerald Richards. The first Utah Sky Trials, formerly known as the “Pigeon Derby,” was held in 1975. It began as a continuation of the Field Demonstrations concept at the North American Falconers Association (NAFA) Meets held each year in November.

Gerald Richards attended these NAFA Meets and watched each year as contestants tossed out bagged game such as pen-raised Chukar Partridge or pheasants. These, of course, were easy prey for the falcons stopping in front of the wide-eyed crowds. When these gatherings were discontinued in the 70’s, Gerald envisioned a different event. He saw a trial held in February, wherein local falconers could get together and watch some of the highest flying gamehawks when they were at their physical best at the end of the regular falconry season. Gerald shifted the focus from bagged quarry to an event that would encourage falconers to enter only those birds proven during the season to be the very best in mounting to high pitches and powerful stoops. And to prove them, he chose a quarry that would rarely, if ever, be caught—the Racing Homer.

Through the years, Gerald’s respect and affection grew for his Racing Homers that were carefully bred, trained and brought to the Sky Trials each year. Eventually, like those falconers who grow to love watching their dogs work as much as seeing their falcons fly, he became involved in Pigeon Racing as well.

In 1994, Gerald suffered a massive heart attack while out on the mountain recovering a Red-Tail Hawk he was training to stoop out of a soar. Utah Falconers lost a one-of-a-kind personality, scientist, innovator and advocate for long-wings—particularly our native Prairie Falcon. Although the Sky Trials have always been uniquely his creation, the Utah Falconers Association (UFARBA) maintained the tradition by sponsoring the event for a number of years and now the tradition continues. In each case the Sky Trials have adhered to Gerald’s rules and wishes. Many of his close friends continue to volunteer help and provide perspective on “how Gerald would have wanted it” each year.

The Sky Trials, a field event that started as a simple, end-of-season gathering by a few falconers in Utah 28 years ago, are now held in several spots around the world. One of the largest events is now held in Spain. And, the California Hawking Club makes it a part of their field meet each year. For many it has become a pleasant highlight each year as it becomes possible to watch so many fantastic, physically fit falcons flown in two days. Sky Trials have also changed our expectations of what our birds are capable of. Their remarkable physical performances continue to amaze us at each year’s trials.

All of us here in Utah, and many around the world, are grateful that someone like Gerald Richards came along and single-handedly created the successful Utah Sky Trials so many years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. R.A. Campbell circa 1958 A.D. took a room with the Richards family while he was attending the University as a transfering Sophmore from Flagstaff Arizona. As a tenant in Jake's home We were soon both friends as well as local Utah falconers, as was our mutual friend local watch repairman J. Clyde Ward of Orem Utah and others then from Springvile Utah, etc., among others and so we were all having much fun and sharing much in common. And Jake promoted the study programe centered around raptors at the Provo University while completing his studies there at BYU. And as early as that date and time there was talk of his striking out steping-out one day and promoting as his dream i.e. Utah Sky Trials as they became known he had the site in mind and everything; which to many is a given and a might I say happy institution of note and remains very successful annual event to this day."

    [CAMPBELL age 74/Woodlake California [comment: I possess a photo of Jake with his prairie falcon same date/yr. it is a good 35MM COLOR POSED SLIDE any one see an interest in that slide? come back

